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    Thought It was worth a try Archived Message

    Posted by PJ Kiser on June 2, 2013, 3:57 am, in reply to "Re: Queen's Amethyst Bouquet Brooch"

    --Previous Message--
    : In Oct. 1960, The Queen opened the Queen's
    : Bridge at Perth in Scotland. She was given a
    : brooch - miniature flower bouquet with 7
    : amethyst buds surrounded by white and gold
    : ferns and grasses with a central group of 12
    : freshwater mauve tinted pearls from River
    : Tay.
    : Fields
    : but no picture
    : http://www.britishpathe.com/video/queen-opens-tay-bridge/query/Linda
    : shotlist :
    : shot of two men sitting at a small table
    : looking at a brooch in a presentation box
    : (1.08) c/u of brooch (1.26)
    : .....
    : shot of Queen walking away from plaque and
    : being given a commemorative brooch (8.50)
    : c/u brooch (9.05) Queen and Duke talk to boy
    : who presented brooch to Queen (9.25)
    : schoolgirl presents a gift to Duke and he
    : chats to her (9.51)
    : --Previous Message--
    : In during some research there is a black
    : white
    : film at the National Library of Scotland
    : show the opening of the Queen's Bridge in
    : Perth Oct. 1960. I was wondering if there
    : was a member of this board who lives in
    : Edinburgh who can check this out and see if
    : there is a picture of the brooch even if it
    : is in B/W.
    : PJ

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