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    Introduction to Board Archived Message

    Posted by JasonD on June 28, 2016, 7:13 am

    Hello, I'd like to introduce myself to RJMB posters. I have followed this board for YEARS, however have now finally got around to getting a log on.

    Thanks to all the regulars that post such interesting threads, and contribute to such a body of knowledge surrounding royal jewels. Now that I am a member, I can finally post a number of discussion items that I have. I hope to raise some great mysteries and investigations, learn a great deal and also contribute regularly.

    Finally, over the years I have observed the etiquette of referencing sources and attributing photos etc, and will endeavor to do like wise. However if I get some techniques wrong, or I am missing any 'posting conventions' please let me know (gently).

    Thanks everyone and let the fun begin.

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