Cloudy, scattered showers, highs in the upper 50s, lows in the mid 40s.
Sunrise today is 732am, sunset is 904pm. Sunrise tomorrow is 735am, sunset is 900pm.
Lunch at the McGrath school is chicken, rice and veggie soup and fruit. Tomorrows lunch is a tuna fish sandwich, veggie and fruit. Breakfast is served 815-830 every school morning.
KSKO still has lots of awesome swag for sale.. mugs, hoodies, shirts and cook books! You can order them online at or call us at 907 524 3001
The AC Store is open 10am to 7pm Mon-Sat. Their phone number is 524-3688
The city office is open 9 to 3 Mon-Fri. Their phone number is 524-3825
MNVC is open 9am to 5pm Fridays. You can call the mat 524-3024
The clinic is open 9am to 5pm, lunch hour at noon. You can call them at 524-3299
The Post office is open Mon-Fri 8am to 5pm, lunch hour at 1pm.
The gas station is open weekdays 9am to 12noon and 3 to 6pm. Their phone number is 524 3019
In a medical emergency, 911 and as soon as dispatcher answers, the first thing you need to tell them is "My emergency is in the city of McGrath"
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