Cloud this morning becoming partly sunny, scattered showers, highs in the mid 50s, lows in the mid 40s.
Sunrise today is 738am, sunset is 857pm. Sunrise tomorrow is 741am, sunset is 853pm.
Lunch at the McGrath school is pizza, veggie and fruit Lunch tomorrow is chilli, cornbread, veggie and fruit. Breakfast is served 815-830 every school morning.
Researchers were in McGrath in late August for a river energy study to help determine if water speeds in the river are fast enough to produce electricity from in river turbines. They want your feedback and have surveys along with maps and more details at the city building and in the community library. Two morings are in the river and marked for safety, please try to avoid them. They will be removed in October.
MNVC will reimburse enrolled tribal members for glasses, contacts and other vision related care. It is for out of pocket expenses. Reach out to Erin at MNVC for more info.
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