Partly sunny, morning , highs in the lower upper 40s to lower 50s, lows in the upper 20s to lower 30s today. Some clouds and around the mid 40s most of the week
Sunrise today is 829am, sunset is 752pm. Sunrise tomorrow is 832am, sunset is 749pm.
Lunch at the McGrath school today is beef burrito. Lunch tomorrow is chicken enchilada pasta, fruit, and veggie. Breakfast is served at the McGrath school 815 to 830 every school morning
Energy assistance for oil, wood or electricity is available in McGrath and help is also available if you got an electric shut off notice. Reach out to MNVC for more info.
Check your toilets to make sure theyre not running, many running toilets in a village can waste thousands of gallons of water. Check to see if theres a leak by put food coloring in the tank and if its leaking, the toilet bowl water will change colors. In McGrath, if you had your water unlooped at home this summer and won't be heating the house this winter, call the city to get your water looped.
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