Cloudy, highs in the lower 40s, lows in the upper 20s today
Sunrise today is 832am, sunset is 749pm. Sunrise tomorrow is 835am, sunset is 746pm.
Lunch at the McGrath School today is chicken enchilada pasta, fruit and veggie. Lunch tomorrow is pizza, fruit and veggie. Breakfast is served at the McGrath school 815 to 830 every school morning.
MNVC is providing rides to everyone in McGrath on voting day today for anyone who needs it, 815 to 430pm. Call their office to schedule a ride.
Doyon limited is soliciting nominations for 4 of directors positions to be elected at the 2025 annual meeting. you need to be at least 18 and a voting Doyon shareholder. For more info and an application call the legal department at 1 888 478 4755 or go to They need to be submitted by Oct. 7th at 5pm.
KSKO still has lots of awesome swag swag for sale and at a discount.. shirts, hoodies, mugs and our famous KSKO cookbooks! You can order it online anytime at call us at 907 524 3001 or come by the studio in person.
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