Partly cloudy, highs in the mid to upper teens, , lows 9 to 14 above
Sunrise today is at 955am, sunset is 615pm.
Sunrise tomorrow is 958am, sunset is 612pm
Lunch today at the McGrath School is a tuna fish sandwich, fruit and veggie. Lunch tomorrow is a corn dog, tortilla chips, veggie and fruit.
Breakfast is served at the McGrath school 815 to 830 every school morning.
The McGrath School is holding a Halloween carnival today, Wednesday October 30th, the Native youth Olympics team will start selling Indian tacos beginning at 530pm, the carnival starts at 6pm and is a student government fundraiser with food, a cakewalk and more. Any baked goods donations for the event can be brought with you to the event. The entire family is welcome out for a night of fun!
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