on April 11, 2013, 10:13 am
DNA studies on ancient Egyptian mummies have found a large number to be of rh negative blood groups including RAMESES 2nd, who was a rh negative B, 1.39% world wide.....same blood type and group as me. The Pharoah Akhenaten and his family were all rh negative blood, as was..King Tut his 2nd son being the last of the last member of that AMARNA Royal Family that we know of ( murdered)?. The odd thing is that Dr Hawass, would not reveal the lastest dna finding on King Tut, but now the world knows this ruling rh negative blood group and the Caucasian link to the Armana Egpytian Royal Dynasty..
The Japanese are the 7th Son of the 7th of the Pharaoh
1. First of all the Japanese are Rh ryr A- Rh negative Altaic (ighg 1G3 fbo1b3-b4-b5 rh-cde or Pure Altaic Caucasian.
2. The Japanese are Shaman and Witches and Vampire and most of all the Japanese are ghost!
3. The Tocharian in China are the Japanese 1st Cousins with Rh ryr B- Rh negative Altaic (ighg 1G3 fbo1b3-b4-b5 rh-cde or Pure Altaic Caucasian and they are B Rh negative Japanese or Jews.
4. The B Rh negative Jewish Sumerian Population was infacted Japanese.
5. The Pharaoh from Amenhotep to Tutankhamen were all possible Asiatic or Japanese
6. Ramesis the Great who was some kind of relative was Rh ryr B- Rh negative Altaic (ighg 1G3 fbo1b3-b4-b5 rh-cde or Pure Altaic Caucasian carrier.
7. Because were get our B Rh negative blood type from Moses who was Pharaoh and 7th of the 7th Son and aslo Rh ryr B- Rh negative Altaic (ighg 1G3 fbo1b3-b4-b5 rh-cde or Pure Altaic Caucasian.
8. David and Solomon who descend from Moses was also Rh ryr B- Rh negative Altaic (ighg 1G3 fbo1b3-b4-b5 rh-cde or Pure Altaic Caucasian.
9. Zerubbabel or Daniel and Mar Abba the 21th Exilarch who daughter Shushandukt who married Yazdegerd I who Yazdegerd III daughter Nazbanu who fled from Pars Persia to Karachi where Karachi Gypsy or Banu Sassan originated from the Parsis Nobility were also Rh ryr B- Rh negative Altaic (ighg 1G3 fbo1b3-b4-b5 rh-cde or Pure Altaic Caucasian.
10. Nazbanu from Pars who fled to Karachi had a brother name Pirooz who fled to China in Xinjiang Province where he also had Rh ryr B- Rh negative Altaic (ighg 1G3 fbo1b3-b4-b5 rh-cde or Pure Altaic Caucasian.
11. The Virgin Mary who family from the tribe of David or Judah and Benjamin is also Rh ryr B- Rh negative Altaic (ighg 1G3 fbo1b3-b4-b5 rh-cde or Pure Altaic Caucasian not AB Rh negative the Pharosee who killed her son Jesus Christ.
12. Dracula and Gypsy witch Mother was were both Rh ryr B- Rh negative Altaic (ighg 1G3 fbo1b3-b4-b5 rh-cde or Pure Altaic Caucasian.
13. The Rudari who are Dracula Circus Gypsies in Oltenia and Banat and Banat in Vojvodina. where HLA-A2901 and HLA-B4201 with Rh ryr B- Rh negative Altaic (ighg 1G3 fbo1b3-b4-b5 rh-cde or Pure Altaic Caucasian.
14. Yovanovich family the original family of Salomia May Mitchell family also had Rh ryr B- Rh negative Altaic (ighg 1G3 fbo1b3-b4-b5 rh-cde or Pure Altaic Caucasian.
When the Japanese spirit came to me the first the thing I would here is bells ring and then the Japanese women would tickle my feet to have sex with me.
When the Japanese men who come I would hear Motorcycles and then they Japanese Samurai would take the Samurai sword and supernaturally cut my throat with sumarai sword and sign of honor and respect for me an Aryan. I would could not see but I sense them and I would know me my teeth clinched and that cut my head off again and agian then part there ritual.
The Japanese are Kids, they are whole Ghost populations, The are extremely smart, the love games and sex the worship the Aryan Sun. But also the Japanese can be very evil and they are true Vampire population.
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