Posted by vincent on April 6, 2015, 11:34 am, in reply to "photo"
to Glenn Archived Message
I definitely agree there is a possible connection. Especially if one keep in mind the fact that princess Vigo's jewelry seems to have been divided rather fairly between all her husband's nephews. Most of them seem to have at least one piece of jewelry belonging to her.
Queen Anne mentioned the fact that her sapphires had been inherited from a danish aunt during a photo session that we organized with her for Point de Vue ages ago.
She came to the studio with a sort of pouch in which she had put some jewels she thought might be nice for the photo session. The sapphire necklace was there and one of the person present asked her about the provenance of that piece. She answered it was a legacy from a danish aunt. But she never said which one.
Princess Vigo is the obvious choice.
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