Re: Queen Mary and unknown emerald brooches (no 1 ) Archived Message
Posted by Arthur on March 18, 2016, 3:02 am, in reply to "Queen Mary and unknown emerald brooches (no 1 )"
Could it be the Women of Hampshire Pearl Brooch, with the original pearl pendant replaced by an emerald? I think the design could be a match. We know, thanks to Hugh Roberts, that Queen Mary had the pear-shaped drop pearl of the Women of Hampshire brooch removed in 1913, along with other pear-shaped pearls from her jewel collection, in order to create the upper gallery of upright pearls of the new Cambridge Lovers Knot tiara. It would make sense that Queen Mary had the missing pearl in the Women of Hampshire brooch replaced with another pendant, until the missing pearl was returned back to the brooch in the mid-1930s. I think that Princess Marina, Duchess of Kent, later wore a similar pendant made of a large round cabochon emerald. That could be a match. (Sorry, I currently do not have access to my files, and therefore can not post pictures. I will try to do it later).