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    Re: no jewels from Monaco to be expected Archived Message

    Posted by Johan on May 31, 2014, 1:51 pm, in reply to "Re: no jewels from Monaco to be expected"

    I think you're right. Charlene knows this child has to be healthy and she needs to do everything she can to ensure that. Staying at home and taking care of herself is the obvious choice for her. The baby will ensure her position in Monaco and among fellow royals more than a trip to the Netherlands where she was certain to be outshined by Maxima anyway. The Dutch queen has the personality and jewelcollection to outdo any rival of her generation. Only the Queen of the UK and Denmark are able to outdo her because of their trackrecord and personal regality.

    --Previous Message--
    : The arrival of a child is always the most
    : wonderful of news, I wish the three of them
    : all the best.
    : I kind of understand that Pss Charlene
    : decided to stay home and rest, she is in the
    : early stages of her pregnancy (most likely
    : short time after 3 months pregnacy is when
    : oficial announcements are made) and she
    : does'nt want to take any chances.
    : Thus said, I also think she might feel
    : relieved she doesn't have to attend these
    : "boring" ceremonies. Sadly I
    : always had the feeling, when looking at the
    : Princess, that she never felt at ease and
    : looked very bored in her role when attending
    : more formal events ...
    : Glad I never held hight expectations on her
    : jewelry for this visit. But I'm counting on
    : Queen Máxima to stuns us, as always, with a
    : beautiful display of Dutch Royal jewelry .
    : --Previous Message--
    : It remains a strange marriage....
    : --Previous Message--
    : [...] Following the official announcement of
    : her pregnancy, the Princess had to resolve
    : not to make the trip. [...]
    : Le Palais princier a communiqué les détails
    : de la visite officielle du prince Albert de
    : Monaco aux Pays-Bas les 3 et 4 juin.
    : Initialement, la princesse Charlène devait
    : accompagner son époux mais le communiqué du
    : palais n’en fait à présent plus mention.
    : Suite à l’annonce officielle de sa
    : grossesse, la princesse a peut-être dû se
    : résoudre à ne pas être du voyage.
    : Le prince Albert rencontrera le Premier
    : Ministre et la président du Sénat, assistera
    : à la signature d’accords commerciaux entre
    : les deux pays. Le prince souverain et le roi
    : des Pays-Bas inaugureront ensemble au palais
    : Het Loo l’exposition consacrée à la
    : princesse Grace de Monaco. La reine Máxima
    : les rejoindra pour un dîner officiel.
    : Le lendemain, le prince Albert visitera les
    : installations de la firme Phillips qui
    : tiennent compte des normes
    : environnementales.

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