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    Re: no jewels from Monaco to be expected Archived Message

    Posted by Lorenzo on June 1, 2014, 2:36 am, in reply to "Re: no jewels from Monaco to be expected"

    The princess was sick during a trip in Auvergne 2 weeks ago
    Probably due to pregnancy, and had to cancel some duties. You can understand why she cancels the trip in
    the Netherlands.

    --Previous Message--
    : The arrival of a child is always the most
    : wonderful of news, I wish the three of them
    : all the best.
    : I kind of understand that Pss Charlene
    : decided to stay home and rest, she is in the
    : early stages of her pregnancy (most likely
    : short time after 3 months pregnacy is when
    : oficial announcements are made) and she
    : does'nt want to take any chances.
    : Thus said, I also think she might feel
    : relieved she doesn't have to attend these
    : "boring" ceremonies. Sadly I
    : always had the feeling, when looking at the
    : Princess, that she never felt at ease and
    : looked very bored in her role when attending
    : more formal events ...
    : Glad I never held hight expectations on her
    : jewelry for this visit. But I'm counting on
    : Queen Máxima to stuns us, as always, with a
    : beautiful display of Dutch Royal jewelry .
    : --Previous Message--
    : It remains a strange marriage....
    : --Previous Message--
    : [...] Following the official announcement of
    : her pregnancy, the Princess had to resolve
    : not to make the trip. [...]
    : Le Palais princier a communiqué les détails
    : de la visite officielle du prince Albert de
    : Monaco aux Pays-Bas les 3 et 4 juin.
    : Initialement, la princesse Charlène devait
    : accompagner son époux mais le communiqué du
    : palais n’en fait à présent plus mention.
    : Suite à l’annonce officielle de sa
    : grossesse, la princesse a peut-être dû se
    : résoudre à ne pas être du voyage.
    : Le prince Albert rencontrera le Premier
    : Ministre et la président du Sénat, assistera
    : à la signature d’accords commerciaux entre
    : les deux pays. Le prince souverain et le roi
    : des Pays-Bas inaugureront ensemble au palais
    : Het Loo l’exposition consacrée à la
    : princesse Grace de Monaco. La reine Máxima
    : les rejoindra pour un dîner officiel.
    : Le lendemain, le prince Albert visitera les
    : installations de la firme Phillips qui
    : tiennent compte des normes
    : environnementales.

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