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    Re: Windsorfan's plausible explanation... Archived Message

    Posted by airgrette on August 3, 2014, 2:22 am, in reply to "Windsorfan's plausible explanation..."

    dear Windsorfan - I'm afraid I have to disagree: various tv programmes - e.g. ER in 1991 or The Diamond Queen show how many many months, if not years of planning go into all trips, so the likelihood of the jewels being forgotten or mislaid is veyr slim - at the very least - their value is huge. I think the Nigeria trip could explain two things:
    1. How absolutely huge and vast the Queen's collection is - we don't have photographic evidence for every move she makes or event she attends, so there will be much stuff we don't see.
    2. This happened a year after her mother and princess Margaret died - I wonder if any of these jewels belonged to them - not necessarily their 'top jewels' but other ones? For example, the first pic, joye posted, looks a bit like the Rhodesian fire- flower brooch the Queen has, and Roberts mentions that both the Queen Mother and princess Margaret were given similar brooches.

    --Previous Message--
    : You know what Windsorfan, I don't think that
    : is so far fetched.
    : There could have been a baggage issue or
    : mix-up of some sort. We have all been
    : through it at some point when travelling and
    : HM travels much more than most people.
    : I am guessing it can be debunked but, were
    : any of HM's usual "day" jewels
    : used/spotted during this trip?
    : I am guessing someone out there has looked
    : into this. If so, can you share your
    : findings. Thanks.
    : Cheers!
    : Bryce
    : --Previous Message--
    : That trip was indeed full of mysterious
    : pieces
    : that haven't seen the light of day
    : since....as silly as it sounds, it was
    : almost as if someone forgot to pack the
    : royal jewelry box and there was a mad
    : scramble to find suitable pieces to use
    : while in Nigeria. Definitely an unusual
    : outing of some unusual pieces.

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