Posted by Glenn on February 25, 2014, 4:53 pm, in reply to "Re: the tiara..."
But I am still a little doubtful if there were in fact 2 tiaras (as Bjarne states in his book) 1 with 6 e-o-w AND 1 with 4 e-o-w OR 2 e-o-w were removed when the tiara was given to Princess Feodora.
(Photo from the book 'Juvelerne i det danske Kongehus').
Prince Harald and Princess Helena had 5 children
1: Princess Feodora of Schaumburg-Lippe 2: Princess Caroline-Mathilde 3: Countess Alexandrine-Louise of Castell-Castell 4: Prince Gorm 5: Count Oluf of Rosenborg
1: Princess Feodora's tiara with 4 e-o-w worn by Prince Waldemar S-L's 1st wife Princess Anne-Lise at their wedding
(sorry could not find a better photo).
2: the tiara given to Countess Anne-Dorte by her parents in law Princess Caroline-Mathilde and Prince Knud could in fact be made with a e-o-w coming from Princess Helena and not Prince Knud (even though they would come from the same person: Queen Lovisa).
3: Bjarne states in his book that the 2 daughters of Countess Alexandrine: Alix Miller zu Aichholz and Thyra Moes both have 1 e-o-w (you were right Stig it was Alix I had seen a photo of by you).
4: Prince Gorm did not marry
5: Count Oluf's wife Countess Dorrit has worn the e-o-w tiara
(Photo from the book 'Juvelerne i det danske Kongehus').